Amy and Faith were here for 2 awesome weeks in March! We had so much fun seeing local Aviano, and then going to Venice, Florence and Rome. It was such a fun adventure to do with my wonderful sister and precious niece! I think we ate gelato just about everyday they were here. It is so delicious it's a must!!
Mmmm Gelato in Polcenigo. Faith LOVES it!

Uncle Matt and Faith at the Sacile Market

We had to run past this because Faith wanted to ride it over and over!
On the train to Venice. It's only an hour away by train and much much easier than driving!
Venezia! Here we are on the steps outside of the train station. As soon as you walk out it's historic buildings and the beautiful canal! If you're wondering where Faith went, she is in the backpack Amy is carrying, you just can't see her.
Walking in San Marco Square. Faith just wanted to chase after the pigeons the whole time!
Riding on the vaparetto (cheaper water taxi boat) down the grand canal.
Next stop, Florence! Amy and I in front of the Duomo in the city center.
The beautiful duomo and bell tower. We opted to NOT climb the tower...carrying a stroller the whole way just didn't really sound like fun.
A building with pretty shutters off of main river running through Florence.
Overlooking the beautiful Palatine Hill in Rome.
The view at the Roman Forum overlooking the colosseum
At the colosseum! It was incredibly impressive and way bigger than I was expecting.
Thank you Faith for napping so we could enjoy our listening guide without chasing you all over the Colosseum.
The beautiful Treviso Fountain!
Faith LOVED the fountain and wanted to throw in all our coins over and over again
At the Vatican
Every hall in the Vatican was so amazing and impressive. I have never seen so many paintings and tapestries before.
Carrying the stroller all over Rome was an adventure in itself. This staircase in the Vatican actually had a lift, but everywhere else we were picking it some points with the help of random people and even some nuns!!
Saint Peters Basilica where the pope lives!
It's pretty much the hugest cathedral in the world :)
At San Florian Park by my house! They have peacocks and wild boars....a very odd arrangement.
Faith was trying to eat the flowers.
Amy at the winery.
Aim's favorite part of Italy, the fact that a guy comes out and pumps your gas for you!