I have been wanting to go to a Dr. Fish spa, so we thought this weekend was a perfect time to try it out! Basically you stick your feet into a pool, and the fish eat the dead skin off them...this was just such a crazy thing we had to do it in Korea! I did not have great directions, but I knew it was near a Paris Croissant....which in Korea is basically like saying it's next to Starbucks, but we found it eventually! The Book and Spa Cafe!

The cafe was very unique and had a great atmosphere. The people who worked there did not speak English, so we used a lot of hand gestures :) But we walked in, and ordered tea and lemonade, a waffle, and Dr. Fish for 2. I thought it was awesome you just ordered it all at once. We sat down at a table, and figured out that they would come get us when it was our turn for the fishes. They brought us our drinks and we sat there eating the bread they offered at the self-serve bar and played cards for a while. Finally, it was our turn!
So we walk onto the platform and take off our shoes. Then we have to wash our feet in a sink on the floor....Now we're officially ready for this:

YIKES! We sat down, stuck our feet in the little fish filled pool, and looked like this!

The tickling was almost UNBEARABLE! We were laughing so hard and I was basically kicking the fish...not very effective for wanting them to be near you. After a while it wasn't as bad, and I managed to sit still long enough for them to start eating my feet. Matt was better at being still than I was, but they were even getting between his toes! I don't know how he stood it. But they also really loved his hands. For a while he was distracting all the fish with just one hand.

So there we are. We survived Dr. Fish. I don't think it actually made my feet smoother, but it was a neat experience and I'm glad we did it!